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The EBC Women's Advance 10th Anniversary weekend will be taking place this September 27th - 28th at EBC the Meeting Place and Sisters, you don't want to miss this powerful time of ministry specifically for you.  This year's theme is "Fresh Oil! Fresh Fire!" Come expecting to be rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit and blessed beyond measure.  Registration opens Friday, August 1st  at a cost of $85 inclusive of lunch, and the 10th anniversary Women's Advance T-shirt if registered by September 13th.  Late registration is open until September 20th but excludes the t-shirt.  Don't miss your appointment with the Holy Spirit! Please mark your calendars and encourage your friends to do the same!


** Payment options

  • CASH

  • E-TRANSFER – to **and specify Registration for EBC Women’s Advance 2024 in the message box.

  • CHEQUE - Make cheques payable to: Emmanuel Baptist Church **and specify Registration for EBC Women’s Advance 2024

  • Are you able to sponsor a Sister to attend? If so, please speak with Deacon Sonia or Lady Késa or put your sponsorship donation in the box on the Registration table.  Thanks you for your generosity.


**For Further Information and inquiries about registration, please contact:

  • Deacon Sonia Ross - 902-452-1065

Women’s Advance Email – OR

  • Lady Késa Munroe-Anderson - 902-412-3270

Email – OR

  • EBC Church Office - 902-835-2472

Church Office Email –

Register Now!